Colleague Tunahan leaving

Tunahan souvenirIn January this year I was introduced to my new colleague Tunahan who was two days a week working on identifying metabolomics networks by building models on his computer – won’t bother the readers with further details about that. The only colleague till now who wanted to go outside for a walk. And I think that’s because we’re  sitting the whole day behind our computerscreen. So we had always a good reason to stretch our legs when it was lunchtime. We then rescued ducks, talked about birds and plants and things which are typical Dutch – which are “strange” for a foreigner – and differences between Turkey and The Netherlands. I learnt some interesting things from Tunahan and I guess the other way around he also did. A nice colleague, very friendly and always in for some nice discussions/talks.

But all good things come to an end. His period as a post-doctoral on his project ended somewhere in August, but on top of that he heard he had to go into military service for a long period, probably a year. It’s a pity that he has to do that. Because the way I know him, he just doesn’t really fit in the army in the sense of being peaceful and having something better to do then wandering around in green outfits and being trained. But because of his high educational background, he might get a more “intelligent” job in the army, so let’s hope that.

Anyway, today was his last day and he gave me two souvenirs. One is a typical Turkish drawing on a magnet, which is now hanging on the whiteboard. And the other is a bookmark  – I hope I understood that correctly … – with a so called ebru (Turkish for marbling) painting on it and a golden decoration. Watch this Youtube movie to see how it is made. Very nice. I’m a little bit ashamed I didn’t give him some Dutch souvenirs. Anyway, I am looking forward on updates from Turkey in the future, so I’ll keep an eye on Dutchistan, or perhaps a newly named blog.

One thought on “Colleague Tunahan leaving

  1. Tjeerd, I learned a lot from you too; It was all nice moments with chats while strolling around!

    And you can bring me a souvenir when you visit me in Istanbul 🙂

    Regarding Ebru; there are also courses in Rotterdam by a Turkish expert: . He has very nice ebru works in his gallery section in the website. My idea when I came to Netherlands was to attend his courses. But then, I thought it would not be feasible both in terms of train tickets and travel time every week from Amsterdam.

    We’ll keep in touch.

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