Ulrich Schnauss Remixes

Ulrich SchnaussOnce in a while you stumble upon new interesting artists and or albums. This time it’s Ulrich Schnauss’s – Ultimate Remix Collection. But in this case it’s a little bit strange perhaps, because I haven’t heard songs of his normal albums. I have onle heard the remixes of him, which you can find on the Internet (…). His music – or at least the remixes – is inspired by My Bloody Valentine (videoclip here) which is a “shoegazer“-like band – actually standing on stage and not moving that much, but make extensive use of guitar effects and singing along with it, personally I think it’s dreamy-like music. Anyway, if you like some easy-listening music you should give Ulrich a try. He remixed several artists like Coldplay, The Zephyrs (?) and Depeche Mode. In my humble opinion he certainly has developed his own style. For an impression of his music, take a look at this video or download a free MP3-track from Last.fm. Actually his style reminds me a little bit of Vangelis and Jean-Michael Jarre and the soundtrack made by Stephane Picq for the game Lost Eden, although Stephane created a (more) mystical soundtrack, ofcourse necessary for the game.