Testing my new ice skates

Since it started freezing two weeks ago, the moment came closer that it was possible to skate on real ice. The last time I skated on ice was already a few years ago and the skates didn’t fit me anymore. So last weekend I bought a new pair of ice skates (Combi I) from the brand Viking. A winter like we have now happens once every ten year I think, although every two or three year there are at maximum one or two days you can ice skate, but then it’s over. I already skated on our local schoolyard to test my ice skates and that went smoothly. Today was the big(ger) day and I skated on a lake nearby Zuidland, with really perfect circumstances. All trees had frost on them – nice ambiance – and there was no wind and the sun was shining, and last but not least, the ice was also very good. I measured the length of one round with my mobile GPS application (Nokia Sports Tracker) and it was exactly 1 kilometer. Anyway, it’s nice to see that when you are on the ice, almost everyone starts a talk with each other and everybody looks so happy that they can finally skate again after many years. It’s a pity that we don’t have that many good winters in the Netherlands.

Anyway, you can take a look at pictures I made with my mobile phone – I had no space left over to carry my semi-professional camera – which look actually quite good. And I also uploaded some live action footage to Youtube: