Rockinpark and a bit of Hydro-Foam boat

Yes, first thing to start with is to say that Rockinpark was great. The weather was perfect and the prices sucked. That’s why we half the day were searching for plastic cups in exchange for festival-coins. We saved ourselves about 25 euros that way, I think.

Several bands were nice to see, but just for fun actually. The main act where I went for, Nine Inch Nails was really brute, nothing more to say about it. Only stupid thing is that we thought they were performing on another stage, so we had to run over the terrain to the other side. That’s why I missed the first four songs they played, grrr.

Anyway, what about a boat which can fly, drive on land and sail on water? Yes, it does exist and it’s called a Hydro-Foam boat. Not interested in stories? Then just watch this movie.

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