Parkfun and waterflood

While sitting in the park yesterday with some friends and enjoying the sun and doing some football suddenly we noticed some action. Further away in the park a couple was doing “it” in a grassfield. We could all see what they were doing and how they were doing it, those people really get a kick of it or don’t bother the people walking around. It really became fun when a dog was walking around in the park and suddenly stopped at about 25 meters from the couple away. The dog was watching what they were doing and then decided he had to sprint to the couple. The couple immediately stopped their activities.

And today I came at my work and the whole department had a waterflood yesterday evening – because of a broken coolwater pipe – they told me there was about 2 cm. water on the whole department and it also streamed down to lower levels in the building. There have been made pictures and movies of it, so perhaps I’ll post them soon ;). Anyway, didn’t have to work today.

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